SoHo Loft
New York, NY
3,000 FT² / 914 M²
Angela Hau

For a loft in SoHo receiving an extensive architectural intervention by Food Architects, CHH provided the clients with finish specifications and all furnishings. Discovering a compelling design language and palette that was both distinct and harmonious with the intensity of the architectural qualities of the spaces, CHH introduced antiques and art from across many time periods and cultures. Pieces of furniture and objets d’art exude either a cerebral “techi-ness” or a deep soulfulness. The tensions between these, and between the decor and the envelope by Food, is rich and energetic, and full of surprises, creativity and life.

A commissioned dining table by Ficus Interfaith commands the dining room, which includes a glass partition hung with aluminum blinds and rare 18th century prints by Giovanni Battista Piranesi. A large pillow in the living room has been fashioned from a 1950’s French tapestry, and an incredible 17th century painting by Hendrick de Somer, “Salome Receiving the Head of John the Baptist”, hangs over the sunken sofa. The sofa is lined with pillows made from rugs surrounding a low pentagonal table that previously belonged to Sir John Soane.

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