Brooklyn Biohacking Retreat
Brooklyn, NY
29,000 ft² / 8,840 M²

Charlap Hyman & Herrero designed the facilities for an advanced biohacking retreat in Brooklyn, featuring a range of specialized amenities, including treatment rooms, infrared saunas, and plunge pools. Drawing inspiration from the scenography of science fiction cinema, CHH crafted a structural composition of cast-in-place concrete that is distinctly industrial, yet romantically poetic. The subtle curve of the corridor running the length of the long, narrow site evokes a sense of infinitude, reminiscent of the boundless, otherworldly spaces often depicted in these films. 

Cylindrical skylights, presented as sculptural monoliths, allow sunlight to pass through the building into the sunken parking and exhibition areas. Wild and overgrown flora softens the otherwise Brutalist architecture, suggesting that the contemporary structure could have, somehow, evolved from a modernist ruin in a sublime garden.

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