The Guardian
Chicago Architecture Biennial 2017: How to Improve on History
"Examples of this attitude can be found in Horizontal City, a display at this year’s Chicago Architecture Biennial, where architects were asked to choose a favourite interior and create a new installation inspired by it. Some chose great rooms from the history of architecture – the vast Pantheon in Rome, the tiny and exquisite American Bar that Adolf Loos created in Vienna in 1908 – others unbuilt spaces imagined by architectural visionaries or places made significant by their inhabitants. The New York architects Charlap Hyman & Herrero chose the apartment where Yves Saint Laurent lived with his partner, Pierre Berge, and a wondrous collection of art and design. The German-American practice June 14 chose the bar of the Folies-Bergère, as seen in Manet’s famous painting."
Associated Projects
Associated Press