Apartment Therapy
This New Wallpaper Brings English Country Cottage Style Anywhere You Hang It
"Picture yourself stepping into an aging English manor house—or perhaps even a crumbling medieval castle. A cracked pane of glass or gaping window frame lets a creeping vine run wild within the parlor. It’s dreamy, romantic, and like something out of a storybook or the setting of where the love interest proclaims his undying devotion to a Jane Austen leading lady. Now, it can be your bedroom, living room, or library thanks to a collaborative wallpaper from Calico and design firm Charlap Hyman & Herrero. Called 'Overgrow,' this 'lush and verdant' pattern, as it’s described on Calico’s website, is a watercolor-like vine motif 'adorned with a variety of insect life.' It starts dense at the top, and shoots into fingers of foliage that reach for the baseboards."
Associated Press
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